Chapter 1 Lesson 2

‘Tattva Bodh’ or Knowledge of the Truth is the door to Liberation from all Bondages. What is Liberation & what is Bondage?

What is Bondage

Let us first understand what bondage is. If we talk in terms of liberation, are we really bound ? Most of us do what we really want to do,think what we want,feel what we want to feel. Those of who do not feel this freedom, should learn to develop this ability to handle their situations more intelligently. Bondage is certainly not at the level of body-mind, or intellect.It is something more deep & subtle.

Ego develops a sense of bondage.But ego in itself is not the real problem. Surfacing of an ego is more of an effect of some deeper malaise. If ego is that ultimate thorn then why don’t we just remove it. It is not that easy because it is sustained by another thing, which alone is the problem.

Ego is a sense of limitation.

Ego is a sense of limitation. It has limitation of time& space. It has limitations of understanding. It leads a broken life. It takes itself as the doer of actions. It does not know it’s birth, as to whence it has come, what sustains it, and how it has to transcend itself. Those who have started feeling that ego is a problem have come nearer to the problem. Anyone who takes himself as a limited person has to seek, has to struggle and go through the whole process of change, and at the end of the day will remain where he or she is. So there does seem to be something essentially wrong about this deep sense of limitation, and the formation of a limited identity called ego.

Sense of limitation is disliked by all

Nobody likes limitation, and nobody has ever been told to dislike it. It is so natural, the whole flow of everyone’s energy is directed towards eliminating this sense of limitation. But in spite of the fact that everyone wants to eliminate this sense of limitation, most people continue to suffer from it. They remain where they are. They have somehow got stuck,and they do not like it at all. This wish to be truly free is what liberation is all about,and what the Vedic Rishis have mastered.( To be cont.)


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